Copyright © OM2022
Built with Indexhibit
The Headquarters [2022-2023]
is a type of political fiction aimed at bringing us closer to something that never existed but could have – actively combining feminism, craftsmanship, and radical artistic performance.
The exhibition space has been transformed into the imaginative office of the Guild, an association of individuals constructing various structures. The idea is similar to that of The Building Institute, an informal platform created by Olga Micińska that aims to emancipate technical knowledge in the field of art and beyond, as well as to support diverse and balanced development within the market of construction work. TBI uses a range of tools to promote its mission, including educational activities, exhibition work, advertising campaigns, and publications.
Group show with works by: Stéphanie Baechler, Mathild Clerc-Verhoeven, Samantha McCulloch, Elise Ehry, Kitty Maria van Ekeren, Cecile Hübner, Olga Micińska, Harriet Rose Morley, Chloé Sapelkine, Gersande Schellinx, Anna Siekierska, Bo Wielders, Paulina Włostowska
Photography: Jędrzej Sokołowski